Paola, nova skin de UOMO&DONNA, linhas perfeitas e com um olhar adulto , maquiagem para as três versões do dia. Na compra da skin Paola, você ainda leva cabelo, roupas e maquiagem. Lançamento 2012 UOMO&DONNA.. visite
Paola, a new Skin UOMO&DONNA, with clean lines and an adult look, makeup for all three versions of the day. When buying skin of Paola, you also take hair, clothes and makeup.
Release 2012 UOMO& DONNA .. Go
Paola, a new Skin UOMO&DONNA, with clean lines and an adult look, makeup for all three versions of the day. When buying skin of Paola, you also take hair, clothes and makeup.
Release 2012 UOMO& DONNA .. Go